We will start off the school year with a new teacher orientation day August 17th. We do have a lot of new faces this year that will need all of our guidance as they become familiar with the school. Please seek out these folks and make them all feel welcomed.
Teacher in-service will begin on August 18th and run through August 19th. On August 18th the focus will be on teachers meeting their building principals and a few breakout sessions. August 19th we will spend some quality time discussing our Emergency Management Plan along with drill. If you have not heard, the district is in the process of developing a school security and surveillance system that will enhance the existing system by integrating a new door access control system. Along with this system, we will also have 7 stations with monitors that will be under surveillance at all times. I look forward to sharing more with all of you about this system and how it will require us to change some of our day to day routines.
August 17, 2016
New Teacher Orientation
8:30-9:00 Meeting with Mr. Frederick
9:00-9:30 Meeting with Mr. Helm (Technology)
9:30-10:30 New Teacher Mentoring Program (Mr. Busch, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Dale)
10:30-11:00 Administrative Assistant (paperwork and procedures)
11:00-12:00 TAT's, 504's, IEP's- What is my role as a teacher?
(Principals and Mr. Frederick)
12:00-1:00 Lunch served by MPEA
1:00-3:00 Processes and Procedures (Building Principals)
August 18, 2016
All Staff In-Service, Day One
8:00-8:30 Breakfast served in High School Commons Area
8:30-8:40 Welcome & Opening Remarks (Mr. Stroeder & Mr. Frederick)
8:40-11:40 Breakout Sessions
School Safety & Security - Understanding School
Safety Plans (Presenter- Mr. Frederick- MS Commons)
Building Positive Relationships within the Walls
(Presenter-Mr. Busch-Theater)
Connecting with Parents-Schoolwide Accountability
(Presenters- Mrs. Olson & Mrs. Dale)
What can JOM do for ME? Student and Teacher
(Presenter- Mrs. Weninger & JOM Board)
12:00-1:00 Lunch on your own
1:00-2:30 Building Principal Meetings
HS Teachers- Mr. Busch- Location to be announced
3-8 Teachers- Mrs. Dale- Location to be announced
K-2 Teachers- Mrs. Olson-Location to be announced
2:30-3:30 All Coaches Meeting - Mr. Stenberg - Library
2:30-4:00 Teachers work in classrooms
August 19, 2016
All Staff In-Service, Day Two
8:00-8:30 Breakfast Served in High School Commons Area
8:30-9:00 Business Office Reminders
9:00-9:30 Sanford Insurance
9:30-10:00 Emergency Management Prep Work
10:00-12:00 EM Drill Work (Active Shooter)
12:00-1:00 Lunch on your own
1:00-2:00 Reporting out on Emergency Management Drill (Theater)
2:00-2:25 2015-2016 Data Breakdown (Theater)
2:25-4:00 Building Principal Meetings
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